Leadership course at MIT, July 2014

Djangoplicity in the Spotlight

2020-11-30 23:00
Djangoplicity in the Spotlight

Enciso Systems’ Djangoplicity implementation at NOIRLab received Software Industry Award

In the eighth edition of the Ingenio Award, Enciso Systems received first place in the Success Cases - Education category for the implementation of Djangoplicity [1] at NOIRLab [2]. The award recognizes excellence of the technological implementation and its international outlook.

Annually, the Colombian Federation of Software Producers (Fedesoft) exalts the best of the colombian software industry through the Ingenio Awards. This year, the award included three categories: Products, Best Technological Solution and Success Cases. In addition, the last one included the following sub-categories: Industry, Health, Government, Services, Digital Entrepreneurship and Education.

Late in 2019, NOIRLab and Enciso Systems began the construction of a new website based on Djangoplicity. In addition, they migrated more than three decades of astronomy-related content. Nine months later, the brand-new website went public for the first time. Edison Arango (Altix) led the construction team, while Paula Velásquez and Ingry Romero supported the migration and parallel operation of the websites. Whatsmore, interns from University of the Llanos assisted both teams.

It was an amazing experience for the whole team. Once again, our local talent showed technical skills and commitment at the level of international organization. We will continue working with local companies and academia to provide content administration and web development services offshore.” says Javier Enciso, Enciso Systems CEO.

In the next year, Enciso Systems plans to launch a number of technology-related courses and STEAM field [3] activities to expand the available manpower, stay tuned!


[1] Djangoplicity is an open source platform that integrates Content Management System, Digital Assets Management System, and Content Delivery Automation. 

[2] NOIRLab is the preeminent US national center for ground-based, nighttime optical and infrared astronomy.

[3] STEAM means Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.


More information

Enciso Systems provides content support and software development services to preeminent scientific organizations in Europe, North America, and East Asia.


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Enciso Systems
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Email: info@encisosystems.com
