Leadership course at MIT, July 2014

COVID-19 measurements at Enciso Systems

2020-03-17 14:00
es2001a. Coronovirus illustration

Staff’s wellbeing is our highest priority

Given the recent developments of the public health crisis, telework is the preferred strategy for collaborators at Enciso Systems.

In times of crisis, people and health come first. For this reason, telework[1] is the way we decided to mitigate the propagation of the virus. 

During the following months, we will use the information and communication technologies to execute our mission while keeping staff safe at home. This measure not only avoids the spread of the disease but shows how organized the process really is.

We recall to keep calm at these challenging times. It is in difficult situations where humanity gives their best and this is an excellent opportunity to share our values with our fellow citizens. 


[1] Telework is a work modality where collaborators do not visit the company facilities. 


More information

Enciso Systems is an information technology provider focused on preeminent scientific organizations around the globe. Its customer base spans from Europe and North America.


Public Information Office
Enciso Systems
Email: pio@encisosystems.com
